
OneTwoChem is the digital platform to connect buyers and suppliers for chemicals.

OneTwoChem® is an eCommerce platform for companies in the chemical industry. The platform digitally connects suppliers and buyers. It has been developed by Evonik Digital GmbH, a subsidiary of the specialty chemicals company Evonik Industries AG. OneTwoChem® serves to initiate short-term transactions – so-called spot transactions. The technical operation of OneTwoChem® is carried out by an external service provider. This is intended to reinforce the neutrality of the platform.

How does OneTwoChem® work?
OneTwoChem® is an eCommerce platform where individuality counts. All users decide for themselves specifically with whom they want to get in touch. Suppliers can then make an individual offer to each prospective buyer. For buyers, the platform intuitively presents offers for the same products from different suppliers – this simplifies comparisons. One basic rule guides business interactions on OneTwoChem®: Suppliers and buyers have to activate each other in order to exchange specific offers and specific demands. If a buyer finds an attractive offer, an option can be quickly and easily secured. The platform was launched in 2018 with a closed test phase – this provided an opportunity to test and further develop functionalities.