
R&D Press Conference on June 21, 2016

Sustainability in aquaculture:

The long-term intention of Evonik scientists is to turn salmon, shrimp, and more into vegetarians. To that end, they are looking to replace the fishmeal and fish oil produced from wild-caught fish that is used in feeds. Shown here is a salmon farm in Norway.

Increasing demand:

The world consumed roughly 147 million metric tons of fish in 2014. In order to feed a growing global population, yet another 50 million metric tons will be needed by 2030. Shown here is the Tokyo fish market.

Shrimp feed:

Part of highly efficient, sustainable nutrition for farmed shrimp, AQUAVI® Met-Met minimizes the use of fishmeal in feeds and reduces marine pollution. Shown here (montage): a whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with a feed pellet.

Shrimp farming:

Crustaceans are an important source of protein in human nutrition, especially in Asia. Shown here is a typical shrimp farm on Hainan Island in southern China.

New plant:

Evonik is currently bringing a production plant for AQUAVI® Met-Met on stream in Antwerp, Belgium.